Kriya Kundalini Pranayama
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What is the Cobra Breath?
The Cosmic Cobra Breath, simply put, is the most powerful single psycho-spiritual technique I have encountered. The official name is the Tantric Kriya Kundalini Pranayama, but it is better known as the Cosmic Cobra Breath or simply the Cobra Breath.
The Cobra Breath is a central practice of Kriya Jyoti Tantric Yoga. Thanks to its many benefits, this potent esoteric technique is often referred to as Babaji’s gift to humanity.
Incorporated into each mystical system influenced by Babaji is a Cobra Breath technique whose vibration matches the frequency of that system. I have experienced the Sufi, Egyptian, Taoist, Kriya and Tantric Kriya Cobra Breaths. Each is powerful, yet each has a different focus.
From my perspective, the Tantric Kriya Cobra Breath is the superior choice. It is the most balanced and integrated of the five. Its effect is multidimensional.
The Cobra Breath affects us energetically and physiologically. Its practice balances the feminine and masculine energies. Physiologically speaking, those energies are the right and left hemispheres of the brain.
Cobra Breath practice electro-magnetizes the cerebrospinal fluid and causes it to flow more dynamically, bathing the brain in this charged fluid. This electro-magnetized fluid stimulates the third ventricle of the brain, known to the Hindus as the Cave of Brahma. The third ventricle houses the pineal, pituitary and hypothalamus glands. When the pineal and pituitary are sufficiently activated, they form a special connection called the Tantric Marriage.
The Tantric Marriage activates the corpus callosum, allowing both hemispheres of the brain to function simultaneously. This activation leads to the “birth of the androgynous spirit child,” allowing you to be masculine and feminine, logical and intuitive at the same time.
Bathing the brain in electro-magnetized cerebrospinal fluid awakens thousands of dormant neurons, an experience known as opening the Thousand Petaled Lotus, the Crown chakra. These newly awakened neurons form new neural networks, allowing your nervous system to perceive, experience and exist in new levels of awareness.
These results are why we call Cobra Breath practice a Spiritual Science. You don’t have to believe in anything or worship anyone. Doing the practice will alter your physiology, which will alter your consciousness, which will alter your perspective, experience and participation in life. You will know the spiritual. You will be the spiritual. There will be no need to believe.
Practice of the Cosmic Cobra Breath also clears psychic debris from the nadis, energy circuits that interpenetrate your body. Emotional wounds are brought to consciousness to be healed. Limiting behavior patterns can be resolved, eliminating obstacles and self-sabotaging behavior patterns. Your psychic sensitivity and intuitive faculties become stronger and more clear.
The Cobra Breath is the premier practice for transmuting sexual energy. It is a most potent Tantric technique. Sexual life force energy is generated through single (by yourself) or dual (with a partner) cultivation and transmuted via Cobra Breath to the vibrations of love and spirituality. This high vibration energy then pours back down through your body to fill and fully charge your multidimensional being.
The Tantric Kriya Cobra Breath is the central technique practiced by the Spiritual Science Society. Other techniques either prepare the energetic and physical bodies for the energy of the Cobra Breath or are enhancements to its effect. A regular practice of as few as 3 Cobra Breaths a day will substantially accelerate your personal growth and catalyze deep change in your life. It will help you become You more quickly than you imagined possible.
Authentic Kriya Yoga Initiation
Kriya Yoga (Cobra Breath) Initiation is a direct hands-on transmission of energy that can come only from a consecrated Kriya Initiator. This energetic transmission directly connects initiates to the energy of Babaji and the Kriya masters, providing protection and guidance as initiates travel their paths. The initiation also patterns the energy of the Cobra Breath into the nervous system of the initiate, enhancing its effect during practice.
This transmission is a tangible current of energy that is passed down from generation-to-generation of initiators in multi-day ceremonies. This initiatory energy has a specific vibrational frequency that is literally passed to and stored in the body of the initiator. The initiator becomes a conduit and this energy can then be transmitted via initiation to aspirants to connect them directly to Babaji.
Interestingly, this process is described very well in the third episode of the Midnight Gospel series on Netflix. There the speaker refers to the transmitted energy as the “magickal current.” (Kriya Yoga initiation is the same process, but with a different name.) This authentic transmission of energy is why it is so important that if you seek initiation, you receive it from an authentic consecrated Kriya Yoga Initiator.
Cobra Breath, Tantra and MultiDimensional Lovemaking
Cobra Breath is the means to take your Tantra to another level. This potent pranayama is a secret of internal alchemy. For transmuting sexual energy to spiritual energy, Cobra Breath is the technique par excellence.
MultiDimensional Lovemaking is enhanced and refined by the Cobra Breath. Through Cobra Breath practice, you develop your multidimensional awareness. Your capacity to sense, feel and exchange subtle energy becomes exquisite. Only after plumbing the depths and accessing the heights of your being can you open the doors to connecting with your partner on these levels.
Physical sex no longer satisfies as your horizons expand to incorporate many levels of sensation and experience into your lovemaking. Multidimensional lovemaking drives further expansion and healing, allowing you to access even more of your being, which drives further expansion and healing in an ongoing positive spiral of growth, passion and joy.