Kriya Jyoti Tantric Yoga
Preparation for Cobra Breath

Reclaiming Tantra Level 1
Kriya Jyoti Tantric Yoga Online Course: Preparation for Cobra Breath
The Reclaiming Tantra Level 1 online course is self-paced program in seven modules guiding you into the transformative world of Babaji’s Kriya Jyoti Tantric Yoga.
The course includes video instruction, downloadable pdfs and guided audio meditations that will empower you to develop your energetic capacity and accelerate your healing, speeding you on the journey toward your Self and preparing you to receive Cobra Breath instruction and Kriya Yoga initiation.
This course is the real deal. If you do the practices, you will experience results. Expanding your horizons is a click away.

In the online course
Learn principles and practices of Babaji’s Kriya Jyoti Tantric Yoga
Understand the connection between your sexuality and spirituality
Activate your chakras
Open your energy circuits
Safely increase the flow of kundalini
Attain authentic yogic states of consciousness
Use sexual energy for spiritual growth and emotional healing
Clear energetic blocks that impede your progress
Expand your multidimensional awareness
Prepare for Kriya Yoga initiation

Benefits of taking
Level 1 Kriya Jyoti Tantric Yoga online
There are many benefits to taking the online course. Here are a few:
Work at your own pace, when, where and how you choose. There is no need to fit a weekend intensive into your schedule.
Community Support
Course participants are invited to join our weekly World Kriya Online Meditation and our social media conversations. Join a community of quality beings dedicated to personal growth and healing. Support one another and receive support when you need it.
Unlimited access
Watch the lessons as often as you choose during the six-month video access period. This course is rich and densely packed with information. Many people have taken the class multiple times and garner more wisdom each time.
“The Level 1 practice and Cobra Breath initiation has been life changing… It has been a profound journey of self-discovery and expansion. Jeff is refreshingly down to earth and holds a safe space with full integrity.”
“Why take the stairs when you can take the elevator?”
“Take charge of your spiritual destiny. YOU are your own Guru.” That is what Jeff says, and that is what we know to be true, isn’t it? I took this workshop and it has already changed my life in just a month… No dogma, nothing to believe in. Just you, your breath and energy. If you have the slightest curiosity - JUST GO!!!! There is no way you will regret it!
“I love the Level 1 practices. They are very practical and to me these practices are like the extract of many spiritual books and they took me to a different level of life and awareness...and I feel this is just the beginning… Thank you Jeff"

Preparing yourself for Cobra Breath
Traditionally and still today in formal Kriya ashrams, aspirants are required to practice introductory techniques for a minimum of five years prior to receiving Cobra Breath instruction. This rule is for the protection of the aspirants. The Cobra Breath is an extremely potent technique that moves energy intensely and brings hidden shadows and repressed trauma to light.
Those who are not properly prepared, who have not developed the necessary energetic capacity and sufficiently explored their hidden shadow, can experience psychological and energetic consequences. That is why instruction and initiation should always come under the watchful eye of fully consecrated initiators.
In the 1990s, Sunyata and I discussed the human condition and the state of global affairs. We agreed that humanity needs to evolve more quickly and removing some of the safeguards was worth the risk. The amount of preparation required for Cobra Breath instruction was reduced. Since then, I have further reduced the requirements.
The Level 1 Kriya Jyoti Tantric Yoga course contains pertinent information and potent practices to prepare aspirants for Cobra Breath and Kriya Yoga Initiation in as little as four months. I ask aspirants to practice the Level 1 techniques at least 120 times before applying for Cobra Breath.
I am available to support when needed via free weekly meditations, monthly online satsang, email communication and personal coaching. There is also a growing Cobra Breath community, so practitioners can support one another.

Preview: Have a look inside the course
Sample video – Introduction to Kriya Jyoti Tantric Yoga
Consciousness is the answer
I am exceedingly pleased to offer Kriya Jyoti Tantric Yoga, Part I of the Reclaiming Tantra Series as an online course. It has been a long time in the making. While I love teaching in person, sharing these teachings with the maximum number of sincere seekers leads to the most favorable outcome. The more people who can access the program, the more whose awareness it can help elevate, the stronger the possibility of creating an harmonious future for humanity.
This online course allows aspirants to begin at a time of their choosing, proceed at their own pace and repeat the information as often as needed to begin their Kriya growth process and prepare themselves for Cobra Breath and Kriya Initiation.
In the end, it is all about self-empowerment. Life is a do-it-yourself project. No one else can do it for you. The goal is to be yourself, to live your truth. This course puts your spiritual development into your hands. It gives you the tools to build the foundation of expanded awareness, spirituality, fulfillment and freedom. The rest is up to you. Roll up your sleeves and let’s get to work!