Multi Dimensional Lovemaking

Experience love on multiple dimensions.

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What is MultiDimensional Lovemaking?

MultiDimensional Lovemaking means exactly that: connecting to and exchanging love with your lover on multiple dimensions.  As you connect with your lover in deep intimacy, you come to experience your lover’s joys, wants, needs, and desires.  As you intuitively respond, you will find that you experience your lover’s pleasure, as well.  This is called sympathetic resonance.  

This experience is one of the secrets of MultiDimensional Lovemaking and will expand your awareness faster than you imagine possible.

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The Greatest Healer

I often say that love does not tolerate impurities.  I’m not saying that love is intolerant.  I mean that conscious lovemaking purifies our being by clearing emotional debris and burning away old karma.  

The life force energy is literally the Light that so many people talk about.  Moving this energy into the hidden parts of our beings literally and figuratively shines light in the darkness and brings light to the shadow.

As this light energy moves through our nadis (energy circuits) and encounters buried emotional debris from past trauma, it pushes that debris to the surface to be experienced.  If this process happens unconsciously, it can cause emotional chaos and turmoil.  If we go through this process intentionally, we can consciously experience the uncovered emotional trauma, clear it from our being and heal fully.  

Conscious lovemaking intensifies this process.  Cobra Breath intensifies it further.  By generating vast quantities of sexual energy and transmuting it to spiritual energy, there is exponentially more Light moving through your nadis.  This increased quantity will even more powerfully push the trauma to the surface.  If one is prepared, this light of love will accelerate the process of healing and expansion.  

Thus, I say that love doesn’t tolerate impurities.  Making love this way will eventually bring all impurities to the surface, making visible all of the places where we hide from ourselves until eventually we are purified and can experience endless energy without trauma or processing.

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Orgasmic, not orgasm

In its highest form, Tantra cultivates orgasmic energy, the energy that creates life, and uses it to propel spiritual growth and expand awareness.  Kriya Jyoti Tantric Yoga is an advanced form of kundalini yoga.  Practiced with intention, it will bring high yogic states of awareness in a relatively short time.  

Orgasm is the goal of conventional sex.  Sunyata called physical orgasm the “genital sneeze,” referring to its transient nature and the release of energy.

Cobra Breath practitioners transmute orgasmic energy to spiritual energy, pouring that high-vibration energy down to saturate their energy bodies.  This practice has amazing effects: emotional wounds rise to consciousness to be healed, energy circuits strengthen to allow greater flow, cerebrospinal fluid is electro-magnetized, the nervous system evolves and the brain literally rewires.  

The sexual ecstasy of orgasm is a shallow reflection of the spiritual ecstasy that can be experienced in your being.  The more orgasmic ecstasy you can sustain, the more spiritual ecstasy you can access.  Eventually, higher aspects of the brain are activated and you experience genuine yogic states of awareness.

MultiDimensional Lovemaking is an act of true bravery.  Opening yourself fully, exposing your wounds and baring your soul, coming to your lover vulnerable and naked to your core is a magnificent act of courage.  MultiDimensional Lovemaking is for spiritual warriors.

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MultiDimensional Lovemaking in the Reclaiming Tantra Program

Many people come to Tantra seeking a way to connect more deeply with their partner and improve their love life.  Believing that achieving those goals is a matter of technique, they want to jump right in to the sexual practices.  

I ask, “How can you connect more deeply if you haven’t increased your depth? How can you connect on higher levels if you haven’t expanded your awareness?”  The first focus should be on developing yourself.  Then you can connect authentically from more of your being.  

The Reclaiming Tantra series begins with personal development; healing wounds and trauma, expanding awareness and increasing your energetic capacity using the principles and practices taught in Level 1, Kriya Jyoti Tantric Yoga.  

In Level 2, the potent practice of Cobra Breath accelerates and expands the process.  Kriya Yoga Initiation connects you directly to Babaji, affording the protection and guidance of the Kriya Masters, further accelerating your progress.  

Level 3, MultiDimensional Lovemaking, engages your expanded awareness and energetic capacity by incorporating conscious lovemaking.  A positive spiral begins as your lovemaking generates capacity and your capacity expands your lovemaking. 

Level 4, Advanced Practices are available to dedicated aspirants who have passed through the first three levels, experienced the results and desire to continue expanding into new levels of awareness and new realms of life.

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How Making Love Can Save Humanity

One of the secrets of Tantra is the alchemical process of transmutation, “the action of changing into another state or form.”  The Cobra Breath is the most effective transmutation technique of which I am aware.  Before orgasm, Cobra Breath initiates transmute sexual energy to the frequency of heart love or spiritual love.  They then resume making love, generating more sexual energy which, in turn, is also transmuted.  This cycle can continue almost indefinitely, limited only by the capacity of the practitioners and the time available. 

When I say “making love”, I am being quite literal.  As we transmute sexual energy to heart or crown energy, we literally make love.  We become love factories manufacturing vast quantities of love.  There is more love in the field when we finish making love than when we began.  

By increasing the love in the collective field, you raise the frequency of the field as a whole, making it easier for others to experience higher frequencies.    When you bring your energy into a state of love-based coherence, the local field organizes coherently around you.  You become an island of peace and harmony generating a harmonic that positively impacts those near you and the field as a whole.  

Thus, by making love, you are literally making a better world for all.  If everyone practiced conscious, intentional lovemaking, the love in the field would overwhelm the fear and we would create a new love-based world.  

So, if you want to make the world a better place, start by practicing multidimensional lovemaking as often as possible!!!

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“If you want to be loved, make yourself more lovable.”

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Multidimensional Lovemaking

MultiDimensional Lovemaking

For individuals and couples
Same sex couples welcome
Reclaiming Tantra Level 1 required

Explore the art of love

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in the USA and Europe

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My Favorite Activity on Earth

“To be intimate with another, you must first be intimate with yourself.”
– Master Teacher Boehme-

If asked about my favorite activity on Earth, my answer would have to be MultiDimensional Lovemaking.  Nothing compares to connecting with your lover on multiple levels, delighting in the physical bliss, emotional intimacy, mental stillness and spiritual ecstasy.  

As my Cobra Breath practice expanded my awareness, I came to understand that making love is more than just a sequence of techniques.  Indeed, it is not about technique at all.  Lovemaking is about consciousness, awareness, presence.  An intuitive flow ensues, incorporating technique while being beyond technique.  

Once one has shined the light of awareness on the hidden places in their being and expanded their self-awareness, they can bring unimagined levels of depth, presence and consciousness to lovemaking.  This capacity brings a level of deep, still power that is far beyond vigorous sex, just as the still power of the ocean depths is much greater than that of a raging whitewater river.

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