Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times

Where Science and Spirituality meet

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Introduction to Spiritual Science

“All true spirituality is scientific and all true science is spiritual.”   
– Jeffrey Boehme

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How Spirituality and Science Meet

“Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe – a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble.”   
– Albert Einstein

The perceived split that exists today between science and spirituality is artificial and out of harmony with known laws of physics.  Ancient spiritual scientists understood the truth that all is connected and the observer is part of the equation in any experiment or observation.  Quantum physics has now proven this truth.  You cannot separate the observer from the observed:  All is One. 

All true spirituality is scientific and all true science is spiritual.  Einstein also said, “Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind.”  Science is exploration and investigation through the application of the scientific method: hypothesis, experiment, observation, conclusion.  It produces predictable repeatable results.  Science is in perfect harmony with and complements spirituality. 

Spiritual Science applies the scientific method to spirituality.  It produces predictable, repeatable results without the need for belief or worship.  It is an evolving science extending back over 5,000 years and continues evolving today as modern scientific analysis furthers our understanding of ancient truths.

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Ancient Science for Modern Times


Internal action

Moving energy internally to affect changes in biochemistry and the nervous system, resulting in expanded awareness.


Light of Knowledge

For those who have moved beyond blind belief and want to know and understand the truths of themselves and the universe. The path of personal responsibility.


Liberation through Expansion

Incorporates the divine Feminine as well as the divine Masculine and the sexual/creative life force, supercharging spiritual growth.  A potent ancient kundalini system.  



From the Sanskrit root yug meaning “to join.” System of practices aimed at uniting the aspirant with God – Creation – Higher Self – Truth.

Kriya Jyoti Tantric Yoga is a meditation system focused on moving energy internally, incorporating the Divine Feminine and Masculine energy and the sexual life force with the purpose of liberating the meditator through expanding his/her awareness, kindling the Light of Knowledge of Self and the Universe and attaining union with the Divine. 

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Seven Limbs of Kriya Jyoti Tantric Yoga

Seven principle yogic practices form the basis of Kriya Jyoti Tantric Yoga.  The Cobra Breath incorporates all seven limbs into one potent practice, gaining the benefit of each aspect with each breath. 

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Enlightenment happens inside your body

Householder Yoga

Tu Ipse Esto

What is Tantra?

What is Multidimensional Lovemaking?​

More on Multidimensional Lovemaking​

What is Spiritual Science?

The Vama Marg Path

Babaji Image

Lineage Image


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The Golden Chain:
Passing down ancient wisdom

“He who knows the truth of the body can come to know the truth of the universe.”
– 5,000 year Golden Chain of Masters

At times, Sunyata spoke of the 5,000 year Golden Chain.  I often gave thought to this concept.  No empire, political system, religion or social structure that I know of has stood for that length of time.  Yet, for 5,000 years, certain truths have been passed down orally and through in-person transmission.  What would be the motivation that could keep intact a coherent body of knowledge through the eons?  What would motivate these individuals to maintain this hidden chain?  

Kundalini, energy, consciousness, awareness: these are constants of Life.  Like gravity, they exist beyond the caprice of politics, religion and social structure.   They don’t change with public opinion and are not altered by belief systems.  

These constants have been called by many names over the centuries.  Sunyata referred to the life force as the “Energy of a Thousand Names.”  It is omnipresent, but named differently in different cultures and eras.  The English playwright Shakespeare wrote, “That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet;” 

Only the essence matters, not the name.  These constants of awareness have been veiled by symbols and language in many places throughout history.  Today, Kriya Jyoti Tantric Yoga is a link in the Golden Chain.  Many of these constants and the means to experience them are embedded in this ancient spiritual science.

Be a Finder

“When are you going to stop being seekers and start being finders?”
– Goswami Sunyata Saraswati

There is a subset of people who are addicted to seeking.  They move from workshop to workshop, gathering information, memorizing and repeating it without going deep enough to effect changes.  Sunyata referred to them  as spiritual tourists.  

Through luck, fate or inner guidance, you have reached a site where real changes can be effected, where real experiences can be attained by those with dedication and persistence.  A mentor of mine used to say, “Relax.  The door you are pushing against opens towards you.”  He would also say, “You have found the way home.  Now, all you have to do is walk it.”  

Kriya Jyoti Tantric Yoga is more than a spiritual fad.  It is Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times, a contemporary expression of the ancient science of expanding awareness.  Kriya Jyoti Tantric Yoga is a vehicle through which true emotional healing and personal spiritual experience can be attained.  It is the science of discovering, expanding and manifesting your true essence.  Once attained and integrated, these spiritual experiences evolve into Wisdom, changing how you perceive, respond to and live in the world.    

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