Expand your horizons.
Expand your life.
Live authentically. Be the real you.
Tu ipse esto. Commit that phrase to memory.
Tu ipse esto is Latin for “Be yourself” and is the basis of all spirituality. At the core of every true mystical and spiritual system is the concept of the True Self, the unique expression of life that each of us embodies. Your highest purpose, your sacred responsibility, is to find your unique essence, your true will, and to live that as fully as possible. Expressing your uniqueness is why you were Created. Such a life is truly spiritual.
The Spiritual Science Society is dedicated to helping you to find your true essence, to Be yourself, to live your truth, to heal the wounds that impede your progress and to expand your multidimensional awareness.
The Cosmic Cobra Breath:
Babaji’s Gift to Humanity
The Tantric Kriya Kundalini Pranayama is more commonly known as the Cosmic Cobra Breath or simply the Cobra Breath. For the sake of ease, we will call it the Cobra Breath.
The Cobra Breath, simply put, is the most powerful psycho-spiritual technique I have encountered. Thanks to its many benefits, this potent esoteric technique is known as Babaji’s gift to humanity.
Regular practice of the Cobra Breath accelerates spiritual growth and emotional healing, balances masculine and feminine energy, activates, clears and heals chakras, and transmutes sexual energy to spiritual energy. This spiritual technology works through your physiology by activating your nervous and endocrine systems which expands your perception, increases energetic capacity and improves physical health.
Kriya Jyoti Tantric Yoga:
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times
The challenges facing humanity are too numerous to list. Fortunately, the solution to each challenge is the same and is simple: expanded and elevated consciousness. War, poverty, pollution and all other ills were created from low states of consciousness. There are solutions to each of these challenges, but those solutions will not be applied on a wide scale until we raise our collective consciousness.
Many quote Albert Einstein, who said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” However, few people understand how consciousness can be changed.
Kriya Yoga is a science of elevating consciousness. Kriya Jyoti Tantric Yoga is a potent branch of the Kriya system. Though it stems from ancient times, Kriya is more applicable and needed today than ever before. Humans need the capacity to intentionally and purposefully raise their consciousness, so we can alter our current course and create the paradise society which is our birthright.